
Fix Botched Botox

Botched Botox Regrets

I’ve recently had several patients come to our office with a timid look on their face and a confession to make. When we go into the treatment room they say:

“I cheated on you for my Botox and I’m so sorry, can you fix it?”

As my patients and I talk further, the discussion always seems to take a similar course, so I thought it worthwhile to inform current or potential patients of some of the experiences that have come to my attention. They tell me they were enticed to try someplace new for  injections due to the money they THOUGHT they would save. However, after going back multiple times for additional injections because they felt it was not quite “right,” they end up spending more time and money than they anticipated.  I commonly hear the phrase, “I thought I was saving money, but at the end of the day, I have probably spent more!”

I understand,  price matters and we are all on a budget. If I were a consumer I would be tempted too! After all, Botox is Botox, right? …well, maybe not.

The Botox Variables to Consider

There are many variables to consider with Botox – such as injection site, depth, dosage, placement, anatomy, facial structure and skin laxity. As with every procedure done at our practice, the customization of each treatment for the patient is key. No two people are the same, and no two treatment plans should be either.

While price certainly is important, what may be even more important is value AND results. Are you really saving if the results are not what you want? I want what is best for my patients, and that is to achieve excellent results at the most reasonable cost. I think what is important to remember is that just because it is “cheaper,” it doesn’t guarantee an equal outcome. So, do your homework. Know the experience and credentials of the person who is injecting you and don’t be afraid to follow-up if you are not 100% pleased with your results. Those are the expectations I have of myself, and it is what I want for all my patients as well. Don’t settle for botched Botox.

Learn More About Botox From Timeless Skin Solutions

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