
Is CoolSculpting® Safe?

CoolSculpting® has gained significant popularity as a non-invasive way to tackle stubborn fat pockets that don’t respond to dieting and exercise. But amidst all the hype about its effectiveness, you might wonder: is CoolSculpting® safe?

Understanding How CoolSculpting® Works

CoolSculpting®, an FDA-approved procedure, utilizes a gel pad and applicator to administer controlled cooling to the targeted area(s). Though you may initially feel intense cold, this sensation typically subsides within 10 minutes as the area becomes numb. This technique freezes the targeted fat cells, causing them to die off and naturally exit the body over time. 

What to Consider

Unlike surgical procedures such as liposuction, CoolSculpting® involves no-downtime, incisions, or anesthesia. Its non-invasive nature entails minimal risk, but like any other medical procedure, there are still considerations to be aware of.  
Some patients experience temporary side effects, such as redness, swelling, bruising, and numbness in the treated area. However, these typically subside within a few days to weeks after the procedure. In rare cases, patients have reported darker skin color, hardness, discrete nodules, freeze burn, or enlargement of the treated area. 
It’s also important to note that CoolSculpting® isn’t suitable for individuals with medical conditions that increase sensitivity to cold temperatures, like cryoglobulinemia, cold agglutinin disease, or paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria. Additionally, if a patient has a known existing hernia, they will be unable to receive treatment, as the CoolSculpting® procedure can cause worsening of the hernia.

How to Minimize Risk from CoolSculpting®

When it comes to CoolSculpting®, or any treatment for that matter, doing your research and choosing a reputable provider is key for minimizing associated risks. At Timeless, our providers undergo extensive training and continuous education to ensure safe and satisfactory outcomes for each of our patients. During your consultation, they’ll take the time to carefully review your medical history and assess your treatment areas, guiding you to make an informed decision about whether CoolSculpting® is right for you. 
Ready to get rid of unwanted fat? Book your consultation today! 

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