
Treating Rosacea

Although more than sixteen million Americans suffer from rosacea, it is often underdiagnosed and misunderstood. While there is no cure, early diagnosis, and treatments for rosacea can help to prevent the formation of permanent facial veins and skin texture changes. 

A chronic but treatable skin condition, rosacea primarily affects the central face and is often characterized by flare-ups and remissions. Besides persistent skin redness, other common symptoms are red bumps, eye irritation such as dryness and redness, and hot, tender skin. Sometimes, small blood vessels on your nose and cheeks can become visible and sometimes swollen. 

Although rosacea may develop in many ways and at any age, it typically begins any time after age 30 as flushing or redness on the cheeks, nose, chin, or forehead that may come and go. The actual cause of rosacea is unknown, but it can be impacted by a variety of hereditary and environmental factors. Common factors that can trigger rosacea are sunlight, temperature extremes, stress, certain foods, and drugs that dilate blood vessels. 

Redness is common in fair-skinned women between the ages of 30 and 60—especially those with a family history of rosacea. 

Treatments for rosacea 

Treatments for rosacea and redness depend on how severe the skin reaction is. At Timeless Skin Solutions, we have developed various multi-tiered treatment protocols to address your specific rosacea symptoms and the underlying vascular disorder. With the advanced technology of lasers, we can treat redness and rosacea, and remove facial veins safely and effectively without scarring.

  • Sun protection: Every day, regardless if it’s sunny or cloudy. #DidYouKnow, sun exposure is the leading cause of rosacea flare-ups?
  • Skin Care: Using gentle, medical-grade products which support the health of your skin is also key to rosacea management. If you are not sure what products are right for you, please speak with one of the Timeless providers.
  • IPL Genesis – For people with consistent redness in the face, along with visible blood vessels, light-based treatments can be very effective. Both IPL and Genesis treatments involve damaging the small blood vessels using heat so that redness and veins are minimized. After a series of treatments, our team suggests managing rosacea with maintenance treatments every 3 to 6 months.
  • AquaGold – Although less commonly associated with rosacea, when using Botox in an AquaGold Microfusion treatment, patients can expect a reduction in pore size and redness, along with overall skin improvement. 

A vibrant and healthy glow can be yours! Contact us today to learn more about the treatments and products available to help reduce the effects of rosacea. 

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