
It’s About Time – Introducing Daxxify 

As the first and only peptide-formulated neuromodulator – the formal name for wrinkle-relaxing injections – Daxxify is definitely making a splash in the world of aesthetics.

So, what is the big deal about Daxxify? Results from it can last up to twice as long as Botox when temporarily treating frown lines. In fact, it claims to have longer-lasting results than anything similar on the market. That could mean up to a year of being frown line free with just two treatments!

What is Daxxify?

Developed by Revance Therapeutics, Daxxify (DaxibotulinumtoxinA-lanm) is an injectable that temporarily improves moderate to severe frown lines. It’s the first and only neuromodulator on the market powered by peptide technology, which delivers the botulinum toxin to the nerve cells, blocking the signal that tells the cell to contract.

How is Daxxify different from Botox?

While we are the first to admit that we LOVE Botox®, some patients are simply interested in treatments that last longer.  While Daxxify delivers similar results to Botox, the main difference is that the results can last up to 5 to 6 months.

What else should I know about Daxxify?

It can save you time, requiring fewer visits throughout the year to maintain results. As the only peptide-formulated neuromodulator it is vegan, and is manufactured in the United States.

Ready to get started?

As leaders in the industry, we are thrilled to be among the first practices in Central Ohio to have Daxxify in office. And, with a 98% satisfaction rating, our providers are among the best in the industry and love seeing satisfied patients day in and day out. Treatments are quick, cause very minimal discomfort and downtime, and are used in specific and accurate ways to help our patients achieve natural results.

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