Photo of Jeanne Owens

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Patient Care Advisor
Jeanne Owens

“I am so proud of the way all the teams at Timeless collaborate to make our patient experience the best that it can be.”

Jeanne is a Patient Care Advisor at Timeless Skin Solutions. She enjoys educating new and established patients about all the skin care and body-sculpting  treatments that Timeless has to offer.

An East Coast transplant, Jeanne grew up in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. She graduated with a BA in English from Widener University. She worked in a variety of traditional retail positions before landing her dream job at QVC. There, she gained experience in apparel merchandising and product development with an emphasis on bringing new concepts to highly coveted air time.

Jeanne, her husband, Tracy, and their three kids have lived in Dublin for 14 years. She stays active in her school and community by fundraising and volunteering her time with Autism Speaks and SPiCE (Special People in Catholic Education). In her spare time, she is a voracious reader, a passionate shopper, and a beach enthusiast.

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